Generate Your Sol-ti Email Signature
Step 2: Your Signature
Click and drag where indicated to select the signature.
Good job!
Now copy the selection to your clipboard.
I did it!
Here is the raw HTML for your email signature:
Follow the instructions for your particular mail application to install the signature. For OS X Mail, see this article.
- From the Outlook menu, choose Preferences.
- Click Signatures.
- Click the + icon in the lower-right corner of the signature list.
- Highlight the text in the signature area, and delete it.
- Paste the text from your clipboard into the signature area.
- Click the Default Signatures button.
- For your Solti email account, select the signature you just created.
- Click OK.
- Close the Preferences window.
- Your signature should now appear in emails you send.
- From the Tools menu, choose Options.
- Click the Mail Format tab.
- Click the Compose and Reply - Signatures button.
- Click the Email Signatures tab.
- Click the New button.
- Type a name for the signature: Solti, for example.
- Paste the text from your clipboard in the Edit Signature area.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to close the Options window.
- Your signature should now appear in emails you send.