• 1 Bottle of Sol-ti TURMERIC SuperShot
• 1 Cup Frozen Mango
• ½ Cup Frozen Pineapple
• ⅓ Cup Orange Juice
Sol-ti TURMERIC Mango Smoothie
Boost Your Smoothie with TURMERIC SuperShot!
• 1 Bottle of Sol-ti TURMERIC SuperShot
• 1 Cup Frozen Mango
• ½ Cup Frozen Pineapple
• ⅓ Cup Orange Juice
1. Prepare the ingredients:
• Ensure the mango and pineapple are frozen for a thick, creamy texture.
2. Blend the smoothie:
• In a high-speed blender, combine the TURMERIC SuperShot, frozen mango, frozen pineapple, and orange juice.
• Blend on high until smooth and creamy. Add a splash more orange juice if needed to reach your desired consistency.
3. Serve and enjoy:
• Pour the smoothie into a glass, garnish with a slice of mango or pineapple if desired, and serve immediately!
• 1 Bottle of Sol-ti TURMERIC SuperShot
• 1 Cup Frozen Mango
• ½ Cup Frozen Pineapple
• ⅓ Cup Orange Juice