Fruit Salad

PREBIOTIC Fruit Salad -  PREBIOTIC SuperShot

Boost Your Snack with PREBIOTIC SuperShot!


        • 1 Honeydew Melon

        • 1 Cantaloupe

        • 4 Kiwis

        • 1 ½ Cups Blackberries

        • 1 ½ Cups Raspberries

        • 2 Cups Strawberries

        • 1 Dragon Fruit

        • 1 Bottle of Sol-ti PREBIOTIC SuperShot

        • 2 tsps Maple Syrup

        • ¼ Cup Coconut Chips


Prepare the Fruits:

        • Wash all the fruits thoroughly under running water. Peel and seed the honeydew melon and cantaloupe. Cut or ball them into bite-sized pieces.         

        • Ball or cut the dragon fruit.         

        • Cut the strawberries and kiwis into thin strips. 

Combine Fruits:

        • In a large mixing bowl, combine the prepared honeydew melon, cantaloupe, kiwis, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and dragon fruit. 

Prepare Dressing:

        • In a small bowl, whisk together the PREBIOTIC SuperShot and maple syrup until well combined. Adjust the sweetness by adding more maple syrup if desired. 

Toss with Dressing:

        • Pour the dressing over the fruit salad and gently toss until all the fruits are evenly coated with the dressing. 

Add Coconut Chips:

        • Sprinkle the coconut chips over the fruit salad. Serve and enjoy! 


        • 1 Honeydew Melon

        • 1 Cantaloupe

        • 4 Kiwis

        • 1 ½ Cups Blackberries

        • 1 ½ Cups Raspberries

        • 2 Cups Strawberries

        • 1 Dragon Fruit

        • 1 Bottle of Sol-ti PREBIOTIC SuperShot

        • 2 tsps Maple Syrup 

        • ¼ Cup Coconut Chips


Prepare the Fruits:

        • Wash all the fruits thoroughly under running water. 

Peel and seed the honeydew melon and cantaloupe. 

Cut or ball them into bite-sized pieces.

        • Ball or cut the dragon fruit

        • Cut the strawberries and kiwis into thin strips.

Combine Fruits:

        • In a large mixing bowl, combine the prepared honeydew 

melon, cantaloupe, kiwis, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, 

and dragon fruit.

Prepare Dressing:

        • In a small bowl, whisk together the PREBIOTIC 

SuperShot and maple syrup until well combined. Adjust 

the sweetness by adding more maple syrup if desired.

Toss with Dressing:

        • Pour the dressing over the fruit salad and gently 

toss until all the fruits are evenly coated with the dressing.

Add Coconut Chips:

        • Sprinkle the coconut chips over the fruit salad. 

Serve and enjoy!